Phoenix Geeks Tech Support Request

Tech Support Can Be Called By Calling 833-PHX-Geek x 2 Or by dialing 993 or 9993 on your Phones from Phoenix Geeks.

When you fill out this form, your request will be assigned a case number. Phoenix Geeks will work your case in accordance with our Standard Level Agreement (SLA). You will receive an email, and be updated via email as your case is worked. You can reply to that email to send us any attachments, comments or notes needed for us to work on your account.

Please enter your business name, so that we can locate your record.


Please select the priority for this ticket. Keep in mind that most often this will be medium. Phoenix Geeks will respond to an Urgent or HIgh Priority per our SLA with your business.

Please describe your technology need. Describe the problem you are experiencing as best as possible.